Thursday, January 1, 2009


Only 365 days til the new year. Only 20 more days til the world can breathe a sigh of relief, with the source of the sense of relief moving to my part of the world. Only 8 more days til my Mom and Dad are in my part of the world.

And here I am, up early in the new year, no hangover, having gone to bed early on New Year's Eve, with no resolutions for the new year.

I don't need to lose weight.

I don't need to exercise more.

I don't need to eat more fruits and vegetables.

I don't need to read more.

I don't need to watch less TV.

I don't need to have more fun.

I don't need to learn anything new.

I don't need to quit smoking.

I don't need to be a nicer person. (I couldn't get any nicer)

I don't need to blog more.

I don't need to do anything different, near as I can tell.

I guess I could stand to put on a few pounds. But I don't feel compelled to make a resolution about it.

Speaking of weight loss resolutions. Last night I was reading a particularly pretentious blogging about a person's New Year's Goals. This person was pondering a variety of possible goals. One of this person's ponderings was perhaps the possible goal of losing 100 pounds! 100 pounds!

I read that and thought, good gawd, if you are 100 pounds overweight you shouldn't need the start of a new year to motivate yourself to lose the blubber. I've heard of people making a resolution to lose that last 10 or 20 pounds. But, 100 pounds? If I lost 100 pounds I'd weigh 75. I'd be dead.

How can anyone stand to carry around that much blubber all the time? It is so unfathomable to me that so many people are that self-destructive. I used to know a morbidly obese person who easily weighed 600 pounds. She'd have to resolve to lose 450 pounds to get healthy. That'd take a lot of time, likely a multi-year resolution.

Anyway, it's the first day of 2009. I am not on a diet. I am going up to Lake Grapevine today. It is supposed to get to 72. I may go on a Polar Bear Swim this first day of the new year.

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